My reawakening journey.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Photo op!

These are the ones that I am enjoying
at the moment.  A few in there I
haven't presented yet as they are
still a 'WIP'.  Oh, and the monkey?
No, I didn't do that, but he is
pretty cute!  The white one is
going to be a bit different...

I love making dolls.  I have a
lot of ideas and once I figure out
how to, I am going to post the
sites that give me the
excitement and joy of
making my own.

Almost ready

This is a doll for a friend.  I was asked to make her hair in
such a way that it could be played with.  I placed each
hair in a stitch of the head.  It was worth every one! 
She needs a little detail work and will then be ready
for my friend to enjoy.

She is soooo tiny.  This is a 'Teacup' designed by
Beth.  Very sweet, she is jointed too.  WOW was
she fun to make.  Of course she needs clothes in
this photo.

A Work-in-progress

OK, yeah, I am blogging a lot.  But I have a lot to catch
up on, before I am 'up to date'.  Then, I will be much
slower,  I promise.  This is another doll I am making for
a friend.  She is not quite finished as she needs
clothes and make-up.

You should visit Beth Webber on her Blog,
By Hook, By Hand. 
She is on Flickr as well.  Fabulous!


Penelope.  My aunt LOVES dolls.  So here she is, pretty in pink.
She is another of Beth's designs.  I am having a ball! (and getting
better too.

Progress 2!

This is Miss Rosey Posey, my sister's second doll.
Everyone seems to like the same yarn for hair.  I
must do one with something different.
Again, these designs are from Beth Webber at
By Hook, By Hand.


 My sister saw my parents doll and she had to have 2 of them. 
I was getting comfortable with making them and started to
add my own touches.  On Sally Sunshine I added a chocket and wrapped thread around yarn for her eyelashes.
(I am still trying to figure out how to design and change my
site...forgive me, it will take time.) 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Once I showed off my new skills.... it wasn't long until someone wanted one.  I made this doll for my parents.  My dad's mother spent a lifetime crocheting.  When I was little, she taught me to crochet and to knit.  I was impatient so I left the art for awhile.  I am having a ball!  I Thank Beth Webber for her designs.

Monday, October 17, 2011

To Begin

I recently started making dolls.  Looking on the internet for awhile, I soon found some very talented people that have really inspired me.  The photos I present here are designed by Beth Webber @ By Hook, By Hand and Shelly @ Gingermelon Dolls.  I continue to find others and am enjoying it so very much!  The only problem I have is trying to figure out which one to do next.  Every time I start a new project I plan and take the time to make it that way, but it is really fun when ..... well, things aren't always what they seem!

The first doll I made is on the right.  That was  a real
learning experience.  They are both Beth Webber Designs. 
I really enjoyed it.  I named her Ashlyn.  The little cutie on
the left was a while later and my friend Linda named her
"Sassy Susan Shelf-Sitter."
I was hooked.

This is my first felt doll (Gingermelon pattern).  I enjoyed her
very much!  Her name is Annie,